Meet Daniel
Daniel is a normal, 11-year-old fifth grader. He has two older brothers and two younger siblings. His younger siblings, Christel and Pablo, are also in our school. Daniel started with us in second grade. We immediately noticed that he was very smart…
Meet Alessandra
Alessandra is a smart, energetic kindergarten student. She’s in her second year in the school, but, thanks to COVID, most of her time with us has been spent doing distance learning. Fortunately, this hasn’t affected Alessandra’s love of learning and school…
Meet Yennerith
Yennerith came to us in first grade. Her sisters, Angeline and Ashlyn, were entering preschool and third grade. Yennerith and Ashlyn had been in a local public school where, quite frankly, they had slipped through the cracks. We suspected that both girls had a learning disability…